What do you want girl?
A sense of Purpose!
I bet you’re asking yourself the bigger questions – what am I actually doing with my life, what’s the purpose of it, if I did know what my life purpose was, what would it be? Who am I becoming? What is my mission here? WHO AM I?!
As children we experimented with everything, as adults we tend to experiment less, feel responsible and box ourselves in to the job, the house, the family… the things that we thought we were meant to have. But day by day we are pruning away to get to the essence of who we are and what we actually want out of life – career changes, new relationships, relationships ending, moving home, starting family….
What would it take to see a different story unravel in front of you - start a new business, change careers, pivot industries or to simply start living with joy? How would it feel to spend some time ON and WITH yourself - consciously igniting your soul’s calling, your life purpose…
Why do I help others to Ignite their Purpose?
Quite simply, I had to work out how to ignite my own purpose. In the year leading up to my 40th birthday I felt dull, directionless and purposeless. I had an inner yearning for more meaning and to live a bigger life. I started asking myself the questions like; what do I have to offer, what do I really want my life to look like? Then I started searching for the common threads i’d lived so far, in order to make more meaning of who I was today and who I was truly capable of becoming.
I’ve had a few career changes - the majority of my career in corporate management then later moving into property development with a dabble in real estate acquisitions and some fun cooking in European kitchens. I enjoyed it all and my own inner journey helped me to realise that the common theme throughout everything I had done was feeling as though I was helping others to become ‘more’ and feel better.
My inner sense that I wasn’t experiencing the joy I knew was possible, persisted. I had a bit of a vision of what I wanted in life but I was far from living it. I no longer felt my ‘sparkle’ or like I was moving toward anything, or forward much. Life was somewhat ground-hoggish and I was looking outward at others who seemingly had more than me and were living on purpose (my perception!) What was my purpose?
My first point of call was to change something and I decided to do something each day that consciously bought me ‘joy’. Through that daily action I led myself back to personal development work, something that had lost my focus in recent years. Step by step by step I worked with coaches to discover my highest values, script out what I wanted in each area of life and transform fears that were keeping me stagnate. Then I allowed my purpose to emerge - not one thing - but how I live my life, how I feel, what I do, my state of ‘be-ing’ and what I have (or what I DON’T have - minimalism now being my preference).
My days feel purposeful, I feel alive and at choice and who I really am really matters. I’m no longer just a version of my outer influence because I’ve learnt the importance of putting myself first. I don’t dismiss my own highest values in favour of others and know that this is my life, and I am here to live it authentically and inspired in order to experience the very best of ME. When I am fulfilled, many others benefit from my overflow of energy and happiness.
I know others are looking to do the same and may feel daunted by the road ahead, but the journey can be as fun as it is courageous!
Imagine how it would feel if:
Decision making was easier
Your heart felt more open to possibility
You felt certain about yourself and full of potential
You awakened your inner desires and creativity
You stepped into your courageous self to live wild adventures
You made more money because you were focused and on fire with inspiration
You knew how to transform fear into fabulousness
Making a difference in your world and others lit you up
Time was forgotten because you were so entrenched in your purposeful projects
You believed in what you were capable of and made long held visions your reality
What’s included in this program:
12 weeks of 1:1 coaching including 6 x 1 hour bi-weekly sessions via Zoom where we:
Uncover how your life has served you to this point (even if you don’t think it has) and the themes that indicate your life purpose
Ignite your life purpose with complete clarity
Get clear on how you want to serve others in your genius zone through your aligned business, career change or industry pivot
Replace old beliefs with new, empowering beliefs that will help you drive your purpose beyond serving yourself to be of the greatest inspiration and service to others
Revive your passions so you can have wild freedom in your career or business and all areas of life
Live feeling meaningful and purposeful
Move beyond your fears and inner talk that currently holds you captive from acting on your inspirations
PLUS | Unlimited Voxer/email support and exploratory homework
Call me
You have a sense that you’re ready to awaken your life purpose but there’s something holding you back. You’re unsure of the next steps. Let’s chat!